Board of Directors

Billy Schnuerle
Bill Schnuerle is known as a man who brings a smile to the face of every person he meets. He not only possesses remarkable talent as a horseman, trainer and teacher, he has a joy for life and is committed to the well-being of all horses. With a very strong background in Natural Horsemanship, Bill teaches people to understand the way a horse thinks and what motivates the horse. This creates a positive relationship between the horse and human and results in a partnership that many only dream of.

Margorie McCoy
Former SERRA Board Member
After joining SERRA in April 2016 as a volunteer, Marjorie felt great inspiration to bring her passion, dedication, and skills to support the well-being, medical rehab and training of the horses. She has great enthusiasm for their potential to live in loving, forever homes. She continues her equine education in horse health, nutrition, safety and continues her advanced training as a certified large animal emergency first responder.